Monday, March 8, 2010

For the love of cake!

Last week a really great thing happened to me! I met up with a friend from my childhood (thanks Facebook!) and found that we were passionate for the same things....cake, glitter and holiday decor! It was great to share my passion with a friend and she suggested that I write a blog like she does. So, here it is. My passion for cake has come from years of my mom being a fantastic baker and born from necessity for finding some decent gluten free baked products.
My oldest daughter, Cheyenne was diagnosed with Celiac in 1999 and since then have eaten some horrible gluten free versions of cakes, cookies, brownies, etc. After I graduated from culinary school I started a business cooking gluten free meals for families and individuals starting out on gluten free diets and not really knowing how to cook or eat gluten free. I continued to get requests for baked goods and decided to finally give it a try, the results have been pretty great once I figured out which flours to use.
Today my passion is to create beautiful desserts! The photo above is a gluten free vanilla cake with a raspberry cream cheese filling.

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